Lab Protocols
- Measure chlorophyll-a and pheophytin-a by Turner Designs (YY Hu, 2025)
- An X-HTDC method for estimating particulate phosphorus from microalgae (YY Hu, ZF Finkel, 2022) 10.17504/
- Inorganic polyphosphate in microalgae: A DAPI-based quantification in microtiter plate (YY Hu, ZV Finkel, 2022)
- Extraction and measurement of polyphosphate and inorganic phosphorus from microalgae samples (YY Hu, ZV Finkel, 2025) 10.17504/
- DAPI-Based Polyphosphate Estimation with Extraction Sufficiency Validation: A Method for Quantifying Polyphosphate from Microalgae Samples (YY Hu, ZV Finkel, 2023) 10.17504/
Nucleic acids
- RM Sheward, JD Liefer, AJ Irwin, ZV Finkel (2023) The Emiliania hyxleyi stoichiometry database. 10.5281/zenodo.7594880
Effects of oil on phytoplankton
- Eukaryotic community response to oil and Corexit in a coastal water mesocosm, (Mesocosm 1, August 2015.) Eukaryote RNA sequencing on GRIIDC UDI R4.x263.189:0010 and doi 10.7266/n7-kvpb-0878
- Eukaryotic community response to oil and Corexit in a mesocosm, (COAST, Mesocosm 2, October 2015.) Eukaryote RNA sequencing on GRIIDC UDI R4.x263.189:0011 and doi 10.7266/n7-43q9-xq06
- Metatranscriptome analysis of COAST mesocosm on GRIIDC UDI R6.x807.000:0072 and doi 10.7266/2JWNDY5F
- Eukaryotic phytoplankton community composition in the COAST (Gulf of Mexico, COASTal water mesocosms amended with coastal microbial concentrate) mesocosm as identified by 18S sequence from RNA-seq whole transcriptome sequencing for four treatments (control, WAF, CEWAF, dilute CEWAF). 18S rRNA sequences for Mesocosm 2 data on GRIIDC UDI R6.x807.000:0040 and doi 10.7266/032DBZJY
- Sensitivity index for phytoplankton on figshare 10.6084/m9.figshare.8766389.v1
- Percent relative abundance of the eukaryotic microbial community in the GOMCOAST (Gulf of Mexico, Coastal Water, mesocosm 4) mesocosm. Eukaryote RNA sequencing for Mesocosm 4 on GRIIDC UDI R4.x263.000:0042 doi 10.7266/N7JD4V8Z
- Physiological responses of marine phytoplankton exposed to oil and Corexit in culture experiments. Results from exposure experiments with six different microalgae species. Data on GRIIDC UDI R6.x807.000:0014 doi 10.7266/n7-jehv-5771
- Response of toxigenic Pseudo-nitzschia sp. to oil and dispersant exposure over 6 days. Results from exposure experiment on Pseudo-nitzschia sp. Data on GRIIDC UDI R6.x807.000:0035 doi 10.7266/n7-qpqz-hn88
- NCBI BioProject PRJNA489497.
Chaetocerous affinis transcriptome